Do’s & Don’ts
Some tips for customers for a pleasant trip on board our taxis:
Keep your pet in a cage or muzzle it.
Inform cabby of your preferred route.
Ask for a printed receipt at the end of your trip.
Items found can be collected from our office if they are returned to us. Should you need the cabby to return the found item to your preferred location at your convenience, be prepared to pay for the taxi fare.
Read Terms & ConditionsIf cabby does not have sufficient change you may ask for other modes of payment e.g. credit/debit, cash or charge card (please note that an administrative charge is applicable for credit or charge card payment) or ask cabby to send you to a convenient retail outlet or petrol kiosk to break your note. He will be glad to assist.
Inform cabby in advance if you only have big notes (eg. $50, $100) with you, so the cabby can arrange to break your note along the journey.
Don't eat, drink, litter, smoke or vandalise the taxi so that the taxi is kept clean for the next passenger.
Don't cancel the booking once it has been confirmed so that the cabby will not make an empty trip.
Any persons below the height of 1.35m are advised to move to the rear seats.